Scientific Sessions

Track 1

Healthy Aging and Longevity

Track 2

Geriatrics and Medicine

Track 3


Track 4

Population Aging

Track 5

Anti-Aging Strategies and Drug Development

Track 6

Interventions for Productive Aging

Track 7

Systemic Regulation of Aging and Longevity

Track 8

Aging Care Management

Track 9

Rehabilitation and Palliative Care

Track 10

Falls and Prevention

Track 11

Public Policy and Public Perspectives on Aging

Track 12

Sarcopenia, Malnutrition and Therapy

Track 13

Age-Related Diseases

Track 14

Dementia and Alzheimers

Track 15

Elder Abuse, Law and Rights

Track 16

Mechanisms of Aging at Molecular, Cellular or Organ levels

Track 17

Cognitive Health and Neurodegenerative Disorders

Track 18

COVID-19- Age Perspective

Track 19

Cancer, Aging, and Metabolism

Track 20

Nutrition and Diet in Geriatric Care

Track 21

Regenerative Medicine, Stem Cells and Aging

Track 22

Neuroplasticity and Art in Older Adults
